Through a combination of Practical Exercises and Classroom instruction you will learn how to: Identify the stages of conflict in order to: recognize the threat, reduce the threat, and determine how and when to use force. Apply state-of-the-art tactical concepts such as: spraying techniques, disengagement, proper defensive positions, methods of movement, multiple opponent defense, contact and cover system, defense against moving attacks, ground defense, and drawing techniques. Avoid liability suits through: Certified training, understanding the effects of OC spray, identifying factors which justify OC use, and proper OC incident documentation. This is a non-product specific training program. Once trained and certified you and your agency decide which brand, canister size, heat and spray pattern suit your needs.

  • Category: Pepper Spray training course
  • Service Duration: 04:00 Hours
  • Address: Arizona, USA (Map)
  • Price:$50.00